Przeczytaj o wrażeniach wolontariuszki Any z Wielkiej Brytanii, która przyjechała do naszego schroniska w maju 2024r.
„I had a great experience at Viva!
Most mornings, I would fill water buckets for the dogs, and spend time with the cats in the cat house and enclosure. But every day had something different, too- harder work like stacking hay and cleaning horse stalls, to simpler work like watering tree saplings and walking dogs to the dog pond for a dip, or a longer walk along the fields.
The people are friendly, the land is absolutely gorgeous, and the work is rewarding.
Home is the first house down the road- a simple, comfortable and quiet place to rest.
I recommend the experience whole-heartedly to anyone wanting to make a difference in animals lives and spend time in the country.”